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Curiosity: Tiber is about 405 km long. Italians calls Tiber as Tevere. The Tiber rises at Mount Fumaiolo and flows to Tyrrhenian Sea.


At the end I want to clearly put in order links to websites, about which I have been writing in this article:


Unity Asset Store - CLICK


NatureManufacture - CLICK


R.A.M 2019 - River Auto Material 2019 - CLICK


My home-pages - CLICK


Thanks for reading!

Stay in perfect health!

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United Studio 2020 are using beautiful assets bundle, which is made by NatureManufacture. This assets bundle is named "R.A.M 2019 - River Auto Material 2019". In my opinion it is the best assets bundle for developers, who are making rivers and lakes too. Work has such a perfect efect. It is easy to use. Author gave the accurat instructions. We have a lots of learning videos; we have manual instructions. Of course, we can write to author. But I think it is not important, because You will do not need it; You will know everything what is important in making such a charming terrains. All project is very logic, clear. Thanks a milion to author or maybe authors of this beautiful art. You made it so corectly. With Your perfect water, river ("True Kingdom" album will not contain lakes, so I will not use extraordinary assets for lakes from NatureManufacture, because in area of my game it is hard to find lake, but I think in my, our future projects, I am sure that they will be, lakes from assets bundle named "R.A.M 2019 - River Auto Material 2019" by NatureManufacture will be together with rivers), back to the topic, with Your perfect river materials United Studio 2020 album will be widely more realistic.

18 February 2022


Hello our friends!


Today I am writing to You with new informations. I will tell You about water, which You will can find on the maps of upcoming "True Kingdom" United Studio 2020 album. Now I am thinking about rivers. The maps are contain Rome's area and near territory, so in role of a river we have the Tiber. Any water (river, lakes, ...) add charm to game's terrain, always. Like I wrote before in Rome, the Tiber is flowing. Like in case of trees, bushes, skies, grasses and more and more United Studio 2020 especially cares of reality in "True Kingdom" album. As we cares of hundred procent compatibility, accordance with history's facts (beginig with dates, throught heros, building, all architecture with every styles [adequate to the period and art which is showing Roman Kingdom], ending with clothes and fashion) we are carring of TIber. We are using beautiful assets bundle, which You can find on Unity Asset Store. Talented authour presented some screenshots, which are showing the majesty of art. This screenshot You will find of website of this project on Unity Assey Store; with time (in the next part of article) I will share You link to this website. Photos in my article is not mine, this photos are made by author, so If You, author want to remove own art, please write to me and I will quickly delete images from my blog.


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